Listing IPO 最新招股

| Code 代號 | Name 名稱 | Prospectus 招股書 | CLC Register Close 創僑截止認購日 | Listing Date上市日期 | Currency 貨幣 | Offer Price 發售價 | Board Lot 每手股數 | Admission Fee 入場費 | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | 02306.HK | 樂華娛樂 YH ENT | | 11/01/2023 (12:00 pm) | 19/01/2023 | HKD | $3.91 - $5.06 | 3,000股 | $15,333.09 | | 02450.HK | 淮北綠金股份 HUAIBEI GD CO | | 12/01/2023 (12:00 pm) | 20/01/2023 | HKD | $1.91 - $2.31 | 1,500股 | $3,499.95 |

Fee table 收費表

Handling Charge 手續費 HK$130
Brokerage Fee 傭金 1%
HKEX Trading Fee 交易所收費 0.005%
SFC Transaction Levy 證監會收費 0.0027%
FRC Transaction Levy 財匯局交易徵費 0.00015%

Application Methods 認購方式

Please provide the below information and email to [email protected]. 請提供以下資料並發送電郵至 [email protected]

For inquiries, please contact your Account Executive or our Customer Service Hotline at (86) 4001 2089 68 or (852) 3153 1128.

有關申請認購服務詳情請聯絡閣下經紀或致電客戶服務部熱線: (86) 4001 2089 68 或 (852) 3153 1128查詢。


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